
喜讯 | 国际学院本科生何奇彧以第一作者身份在SCI期刊发表研究论文

文章来源:国际学院 发布时间:2019-07-11 点击数:252 字体:

2019年4月,国际学院临床医学专业2014级的何奇彧与同班的4名香港同学施俊溢、沈天佑、黄雅彦、冼达亨共同完成的研究论文《Comparing clinical outcomes of NOACs with warfarin on atrial fibrillation with Valvular heart diseases: a meta-analysis》被BMC Cardiovascular Disorders期刊接收,并于5月见刊。

合影:何奇彧(左一)施俊溢(左四) 黄雅彦(右三) 沈天佑(右二)




决定一起做这个课题的时候,恰逢医学实践课程,我们心想,既然要做一次医学实践,那为何不直接朝着发表论文的方向进发呢?于是,我们决定做一篇meta-analysis的论文,但在选题方面,我们就面临着很大的挑战——老师没有给特定的方向,我们必须自己摸索。我们协商来到了麦当劳,开了第一次小组会议,一番头脑风暴后列出了好几个题目,再慢慢缩小范围,最终选定一个妇产科的细分主题作为我们这次研究的方向。但研究工作刚起步,在meta-analysis最重要的数据搜集部分我们便遇到了瓶颈——没有大量的RCT(Random Control Trial)支持,分析无法进行。无奈之下,我们只能更换题目,经过长时间的多次讨论,我们最终决定瞄准心脏用药领域。





Recently, He Qiyu, an undergraduatemajoring in Clinical Medicine in International School of JNU, as the first author, haspublished an research article entitled “Comparing clinical outcomes of NOACs with warfarin on atrial fibrillation with Valvular heart diseases: a meta-analysis” on BMC Cardiovascular Disorderswith his four Hong Kong classmates. And Prof. Xia Sujianis the corresponding author.

This research focuses on comparing different drugs in the situation of atrial fibrillation and comes toa conclusion of the best choice of drugs. During the process of this meta-analysis, we searched the databases of PubMed, Embase and Cochrane to get the comprehensive data of NOAC and warfarin from the study on atrial fibrillation.

After collecting the data we found, we input them to STATA and run the program of meta-analysis to get the final results. The whole article can be approached by searing the title in internet or directly search the DOI of the article.


文字/何奇彧 何宇艳


审核/何宇艳 尹秋颖