Compiler Construction

Date:2020-12-30 Source:国际学院

Course Objectives: make students deeply understand how a computer program is executed by a computer; what happen in the language translation or interpretation; what is syntax or semantics analysis. By compiler construction, we hope that students can write more efficient and effective programs and understand the computer science better.


Course Requirements: The course study should be organized in the way of lecturing as well as discussion by groups. And students need to attend class and finish homework on time.


Course Contents:

1. Introduction: the translation process; data structures in a compiler

2. Scanning: regular expressions; finite automata; from regular expressions to DFAs

3. Context-free grammars and parsing: context-free grammars; parse trees; formal properties of context-free languages

4. Top-down parsing: top-down parsing by recursive descent; LL(1) parsing; first and follow sets

5. Bottom-up parsing: finite automata of LR(0) items and LR(0) parsing; SLR(1) parsing; General LR(1) and LALR(1) parsing

6. Semantic parsing: attribute grammars; algorithms for attribute computation; the symbol table; data types and type checking

7. Run-time environments: fully static runtime environments; stack-based runtime; dynamic memory; parameter passing mechanisms

8. Code generation: intermediate code and data structures for code generation; code generation of data structure references; code generation of control statements and logical expressions; code generation of procedure and function calls.


Credits: 2