Biomedical&Pharmaceutical Sciences | JNU 2-year Master Program

Date:2025-03-07 Source:国际学院

1、Program Overview

Master’s program in engineering of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (MBPS) at Jinan University is an interdisciplinary program created for Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, overseas Chinese and foreign students. Encompassing a wide range of inter-related disciplines of biology, medicine, food science and engineering, this program aims to train application-oriented talents by equipping students with multidisciplinary skills and knowledge needed for work in research, development and management in the biomedical and biotechnology industry. It also provides students with unique opportunities to explore Chinese history and culture, helping students to establish a global vision and professional responsibilities.


暨南大学的“生物与医药”(Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)是一门综合生物、医药、食品、工程学等学科的交叉性学科,本专业学位硕士面向港澳台、华人华侨及外籍留学生。本专业旨在培养了解中国历史和中国传统文化,掌握生物与医药工程领域的基础理论与专业知识,能胜任相关领域的技术开发、科学研究和管理工作、具有良好职业素养和国际视野的应用型工程技术和工程管理人才。


2、Eligibility of Applicants

•Residents of Hong Kong, China/ Macao, China and Taiwan, China.

•Overseas Chinese

•Foreign nationals with a valid passport.

•Bachelor’s degree or above in Chemistry, Pharmacy or Medicine.

•TOEFL/IBT 550/90, IELTS overall 6.0 or above for applicants with limited proficiency in English language or non-native English-speaking nationalities.

•Priority will be given to International applicants who have a foundation of Chinese.







3、Major Courses 主要课程

①General Compulsory Courses 公共必修课

Chinese Language 汉语

Fundamental English 基础英语

General Introduction of China 中国概况

Chinese Modernization Theory and Practice Research 中国现代化理论与实践研究


②Specialized Compulsory Courses 专业必修课

Advanced Biochemistry 高级生物化学

Professional Practice and Social Service 专业实践与社会服务

Research Methods and Ethics in Engineering 科研方法与工程伦理

Lectures on Comprehensive Health Industry 大健康行业学术前沿讲座


③Optional Courses 选修课

Drug Toxicology 药物毒理学

Cell Engineering 细胞工程

Pharmacogenetics 药物遗传学

Applied Food Chemistry 应用食品化学

Drug Regulatory Affairs 药品监管实务

Biology of Microorganism 微生物生物学

Computer-aided Drug Design 计算机辅助药物设计

Biopharmaceutical Engineering 生物制药工程

Applied Modern Food Nutrition 应用现代食品营养学

Introduction to Food Quality and Safety 食品质量与安全专题

Modern Food Processing Technology 现代食品加工学

Chemical Pharmaceutical Engineering 化学制药工程

Pharmaceutical Preparation Technology 药物制剂工艺

Modern Instrument Analytical Technique 现代药物分析新技术

Natural Product Research and Development 天然产物研究与开发


4 How to Apply

①  Online application

Online registration time: 

February 4th to June 1st 2025

Registration website:

②  Documents submission

Contact Program Office at for application documents and inquiries. All application documents should be submitted to the Program Office by email (PDF format) before June 1, 2025.


①  网上申请




②  申请材料提交



5、Contact and Enquiry

Program Office

Address:Room 318,2nd Social Social Sciences Building, International School, Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P.R.China, 510632


Tel: 86-20- 85224376

Contact: Ms. Emma Chen





联系电话:86-20- 85224376

