Data Structure

Date:2020-12-02 Source:国际学院

Course Objectives, Requirements & Content


This course covers some of the general-purpose data structures and algorithms.

It is aimed at providing skills on how data may be structured and instructions sequenced in algorithms and programs as well as the relationship between appropriate data and control structures.

Topics covered   consist of the following three parts: Part One introduces the concept of abstract data type (ADT) and the basic methods for time-space complexity analysis. In Part Two, fundamental data structures for stack, queue, list, tree and graph are discussed, together with their implementations. Part Three talks about implementations and analysis of sorting and searching. Lab exercises reinforce the lectures.

At the completion of the course, students are required to be able to

1.  Describe the properties, interfaces and behavior of general used data structures

2.  Analyze the correctness and computational complexity of computer algorithms

3. Design and implement general-purpose, reusable data structures 


Credits: 3.5