Advanced Mathematics (InfoScience) I

Date:2018-06-06 Source:国际学院

Course Objectives, Requirements & Contents

Advanced Mathematics is the most important basis subject for the majors of science and technology at university. The subject is concentrated on the basic concepts, basic theories and basic methods by the limiting method.


lBy studying the subject, the student must master the following contents:

lBe skilled in the function

lBe skilled in finding limits

lBe skilled in judging the continuity of a function

lBe skilled in finding derivatives and finding derivatives of implicit functions

lUnderstand the relation between the monotone and the first derivative of a function, Understand the relation between the convexity and the second derivative of a function

lBe able to sketch the graph of a function

lBe able to do approximate calculation

lBe able to distinguish the difference and connection between definite integral and indefinite integral

lBe able to evaluate integral

lBe able to evaluate the area bounded by curves.


The ability of students to analyze problem, to solve problem will be enhanced. Advance mathematics is necessary for the following courses.


The main contents of Advanced Mathematics I are limits and continuity, derivatives, differentiation rules and applications.     


Credits: 3