Introduction to Behavior Finance

Date:2014-01-17 Source:国际学院


This cource is a selective course for the major of Finance. Students should learn the shortcoming of the traditional Finance theory on explaining empirical financial markets. it aims to show the students the difference between the traditional financial theory and behavioral financial theory on hypothesis , analysis technology and conclusions. to teach students to grasp the skills of incorporating the psychology factors into the financial analysis so as to explain profoundly the financial markets and financial phenomenon., to know the direction of the future finance theory evolutioning.


through the learning , Students should grasp the basic framework of the traditional finance theory and its shortcomings. Grasp the various financial market anlmalies and their structure, grasp the technology of incorporating the psychology factors such as cognition and emotions into the financial analysis, grasp the technological advantages of behavioral finance over traditional finance, grasp the assets pricing model of behavioral finance, grasp the application of behavioral finance theory . .


There are main points such as : standard conclusions of traditional finance theory, the real performance of the financial markets, the framework of the behavioral finance theory, the technological expression of the psychology factors, behavioral assets portfolioes, behavioral assets pricing models and the application of behavioral finance theory on the financial markets.

Credits: 2