Course Objectives:
This is a required foundation course for economics/business related majors. The aim of this course is teaching the macroeconomic concepts, theories and economic models in detail. Students are required to have clear understanding of the concepts and theories, as well as the ability to collect data, apply economic models and solve some economical problems. Upon completing this course, students should also be able to relate the theories to analyze real life issues.
Course Requirements:
1. This course is taught completely in intermediary-level English, which includes textbook, lecture, discussions, assignments and examinations. It requires that the students have high levels of listening, reading, comprehension and writing capacities in English.
2. In order to pass this course successfully students should also possess adequate skills in mathematical analysis.
Course Contents:
The students will be required to master the concepts of national income measurement, analysis on inflation and unemployment, the detail derivation of aggregate supply and demand model, the analysis and application of monetary and fiscal policies, the application of aggregate supply and demand model in an open economy, and the various economic growth models.
Credits: 3