
我院Sufia Imam作品获联合国中文日提名

文章来源:国际学院 发布时间:2022-05-06 点击数:107 字体:

近日,“2022年联合国中文日暨中央广播电视总台第二届海外影像节”提名作品公布,我院临床医学专业2016级印度籍留学生Sufia Imam的作品《一袭汉服一梦千年》在950个作品中脱颖而出,获得提名。

Success demands Sacrifice. Do not Procrastinate and do not worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you do not even try.

The above lines have played a very important role in moulding my life. I now try my best to accept every opportunity, no matter how trivial it may appear in the beginning. I believe there is something to learn, experience and practise in every activity of our life whether it is related to academics or extra-curricular activities. Not every competition is participated to win, not every exam is given to get rank one. Some win and some lose with grace and tons of memories with priceless lessons of life.

It was just an ordinary weekday when I received a message from my beloved 余佳佳老师 about the 2022 United Nations Chinese Language Day&The Second CMG Overseas Chinese Language Video Festival Competition. In the beginning I thought it is not related to my subject/major so why should I participate and spend my valuable time. Later after few days I thought since I will be graduating soon and leaving China, let’s give it a try, let’s see how well i can do it, let’s participate in this ‘China Chic Competition’.

But this was not easy for me as I did not have any professional camera or a good quality mobile phone, no expensive attire, no party footwears, no accessories..nothing. So in a nutshell I had nothing to start with. I then texted few of my Chinese teachers and friends and requested them to arrange 汉服’ . Fortunately one of my Dorm mate agreed to shoot the video with her iphone. It took me one night to write a rough script and plan the video schedule and on Sunday we completed all the shooting in the campus with no prior rehearsals. The next 3 days we did the editing, adding subtitles and music and finally the submission. My video focuses on ‘China Chic-Hanfu tradition’. I had the least expectation of getting my video even accepted because I could not spend much time and effort due to my ongoing clinical internship. To my surprise the video got nominated ( Rank 11) among the 950 video entries from 45 different countries around the world. I was so delighted to get the ‘Certificate of Nomination’ issued by the United Nations.

At the end I would like to thank 余佳佳老师, Dr. Pallavi Jayavanth, Dr.胡静, 吴琦老师, 李伟苗老师, 周微老师, 郑雅纯, 李牧尘, 余祖儿, 陈皓慈, Grace Guiang and Victor Artuza for their support and motivation. This success would not have been possible without their assistance. 谢谢!

(图文/ Sufia  编辑/ 李欣叡 审核/ 余佳佳)