Dr. Zhang Fan has completed her Ph.D. in Psychology at Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and her Master degree at Peking University. Her research interest has been broadly focused on stress coping and emotion regulation, health promotion and education, as well as the psychosocial aspects of individual and dyadic health. Her doctoral dissertation on emotion regulation and cardiovascular health under stress has gained her an international Dissertation Award from the Gerontological Society of America. After joining Jinan U, Dr. Zhang has been teaching “Medical Psychology”, “Mental health”, and “Medical Ethics” at the international school, JNU. She has also received the award of “The Most Popular Teacher” at the 2020 Online Teaching Competition of Medical School, and the second award at “MBBS Teaching competition”. Dr. Zhang is also a certified psychological counselor, and mainly working with clients with mental distress, stress coping issues, relationship problems, etc.
10月21日下午,暨南大学国际学院致知讲堂邀请张凡博士以Emotional First Aid: Tips for Stress Coping and Emotion Regulation为题,为国内外同学开展了一场别开生面的全英文讲座。
What is “First Aid”?
As a medical student, it is necessary to cope with intensive subjects. I set a higher goal like preview anatomy, and it is a challenge, thus I try to separate it into a small piece, so it can become easier and achievable. It may help lots in coping with adversity in my future life. Also, there are some tips that may help, like exercise, taking a bath, meditation, seeking help with alternatives, etc. Last but not least, I would like to quote the last side “What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger”. It means I may suffer in some circumstances, it cannot defeat me, through these experiences will help me grow and stronger.
It was with such great privilege to be able to receive a lecture from someone as amazing Dr Zhang on Emotional First Aid. Dr Zhang taught us how to identify our stress level and effective ways of lowering and managing our stress. She also taught us how to identify the pros and cons of each way of stress management and how different genders manage stress. She emphasized that there is nothing wrong about seeing a counselor even if you don’t have a major problem, due to many people thinking that you only need to seek professional help if you have a major problem. It was a very pleasing and factual lecture which I’m sure all the students who attended would agree to.
(文/杨昕雨 初审/李佳 终审/汪勇)