国际学院临床医学专业MBBS方向来自巴基斯坦的Bibi Erum对习近平总书记的回信感到振奋,她说,中国政府采取的抗疫举措快速、有效,保障了国民的健康和安全,也让来华留学生感到温暖。对疫情带来的困境,学校精心安排在线课程,为学生提供实质性帮助,让分布在世界各地的留学生得以顺利完成专业学习。
My name is BIBI ERUM. I am from 2015 MBBS, International school, Jinan university. I would like to commence with conveying my heartfelt gratitude to the Chinese Government and president XI JINPING for endowing us with exceptional and professional healthcare and safety in the time of dire predicament. The Coronavirus is definitely a startling experience for everyone involved, but the Chinese Government has expertly handled and left its citizens and everyone living in the country rest assured within a few months of its outbreak.
Native from Pakistan, residing in the united Arab Emirates and currently been living in China has made me aware of how much I appreciate China’s ardent efforts in ensuring us outsider’s safety just as much they take care of their own citizen’s well-being. Experts say that the single biggest contributing factor to China’s containment of the virus has been the aggressive use of quarantines which to be honest is quite the difficult undertaking considering how people would react to being locked up in their homes for an elongated period of time. But the Chinese Government through constant encouragement and persistent pains has achieved what most countries are desperately struggling with.
In Wuhan, authorities converted stadiums and other facilities into mass quarantine centers and built more than a dozen temporary hospitals to house patients with less severe symptoms. This has been a heavy, mind-numbing toil for all the doctors and authorities. But they have done their job with utmost impeccability that not only pleasantly surprises me but also warms me. Our gratitude and respect would not do justice in the face of the hard work the Chinese Government has presented.
All the initiatives and incentives provided by the Government and Jinan university has been a crucial influence in the progress of my education personally and that of my peers as well. Despite the perilous circumstances casting fear and unrest over the country, the swift and well-planned online classes has aided every student substantially in continuing their education without much obstacles.
I have been able to receive a first-hand experience of valuable education with increased instructor-student time, flexibility and most importantly sense of security, which again is another imperative aspect of my thanks to the official authorities and doctors of Jinan university. Thank you for your patience and compassion during these times and always. It’s challenging not to see students each day and to alter well thought-out plans you had for school year in order to provide students with new and engaging learning opportunities. We see the steps you are taking to stay connected and to adapt your practice and we really appreciate it.
Every day we get forms to fill and to express our opinions constantly about our state of welfare and healthcare. It is very well appreciated and has made us feel earnest and out of harm’s way. All I got to say is 谢谢老师们, 谢谢暨南大学, 谢谢中国!
图片 | BIBI ERUM、新华网