近日,顶尖SCI期刊Journal of Medical Internet Research (JCR Q1) 向国际学院临床医学专业本科生,人工智能创新力训练计划成员2016级陈雅歌(中国香港)发出作为审稿人(reviewer)的邀请,为该期刊一篇人工智能相关的学术研究投稿提供同行评审意见(Peer review)。
Recently, a leading SCI journal “Journal of Medical Internet Research” (JCR Q1), invited Nga-Kwo Chan (2016CM), undergraduate students in Clinical Medicine, to be the reviewers for an academic research article the journal recently received.
To review an article, first of all, the reviewer should browse the whole article to understand the general direction and main topic, and to make a preliminary judgment on whether it is innovative or not. The second is to focus on whether the research design is logical, whether the research method is stable and well-controlled, whether the research results are consistent with the context, and whether the discussion and conclusion are rational and convincing.
As a reviewer, the primarytask is to ensure the field about to be reviewed is familiar enough. If there are any unfamiliar statistical methods or language problems encountered during the review process, they should be mentioned in the feedback to editors. The second is to allow enough time to read the manuscripts and therefore giving comprehensive and objective comments. A brief reading of the literature cited in the manuscript should also be done if time allows, in order to better examine the continuity and credibility of the study. In some circumstances, reviewers may apply to delay the deadline for review, so that reviewers can give more detailed and accurate review.
在收到邀请邮件时我是犹豫不决的,因为担心自己作为一位本科学生不足以对其他同行学者给出准确完整的评审意见。国际学院明伟杰老师给予的鼓励让我敢于踏出新的一步:作为港澳台侨学子复合型人才培养计划及人工智能创新力训练计划的成员,虽然走在科研路上的我们才刚刚起步,但已经不仅仅是学生,更是已经具备独立思考能力的学者。通过这次作为reviewer 的经历,我了解到创新性和严谨思维在文章中所占据的重要地位,并能从不一样的角度、作为审稿人去看待期刊上的文章。这是一次非常难得且特别的经验。