我院M.B.B.S.学生Dattatreya Mukherjee在国际期刊发表学术论文
6月27日,我院临床医学专业M.B.B.S.方向2016级学生Dattatreya Mukherjee在国际期刊EC CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANATOMY发表学术论文Piriformis Syndrome in Relation to Sciatic Nerve Bifurcation in the Gluteal Region,成为我院第一个本科在读期间在国际期刊发表论文的M.B.B.S.学生。
2016年,来自印度的Dattatreya第一次来到中国,开始他的医生梦。深知科研对于一名医学生的重要性,他充分利用暨南园的条件和机会,努力钻研。去年,他的论文Sciatic nerve bifurcation in Gluteal Nerve被人体解剖生理学会国际解剖学会议录用,应邀到美国作论文海报展示。今年,他还获得国际科学研究与发展组织(International Organization of Scientific Research and Development, IOSRD)“青年科学家奖”(Young Scientist Award)。
MBBS Student Published First Research Paper in the International Journal
Dattatreya Mukherjee's acceptance speech
I am Dattatreya Mukherjee, 3rd year MBBS student in Jinan University School of Medicine, International School, Jinan University. From the starting of my course I have understood the importance of research so from the second semester I had started research work.I have worked on Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Psychology and Oncology till now. My first success came when my first research “Sciatic nerve bifurcation in Gluteal Nerve” selected as a poster in Haps International Anatomy Conference in Ohio, USA in 2018. In march I got a mail from editor in Chief of an UK based International Journal, EC CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANATOMY, she told that they are interested to publish my Sciatic nerve paper which I had sent as a poster in Haps International Anatomy Conference. So I talked with my respected Anatomy Professor Dr KS Varma sir. We write, modify the paper and it has passed the peer review and selected and finally the big day came in my life, on 27th June my first research paper of my life has been published.
Previously I have published 5 papers in nonpeer reviewed platform. I have won Young Scientist Award from International Organization of Scientific Research and Development (IOSRD) in 2019. But this paper is really a great success.
I want to thank Varma sir, my father, all professors and teachers of Jinan University, Saraswati online for this success. In upcoming future, I want to do more and more researches.
图文 © Dattatreya Mukherjee
编辑 © 江派
审核 © 余佳佳