
领导干部联系班级 | 漫漫求医路,以勤为径,以苦作舟

文章来源:国院公众号 发布时间:2019-01-15 点击数:171 字体:

期末将至,国际学院辅导员何宇艳老师于12月18 日下午在第二文科楼316会议室给2017级临床医学专业(17CM)的同学组织了一次颇有意义的班会。吴希阳副院长亲临指导了本次班会,2016级临床医学专业(16CM)的梁皓然(Tim)也热情前来给学弟学妹们分享经验。






另外,掌握有效的学习方法也非常重要,例如课前预习、抓住课堂强调的重点、课后及时复习等,针对医学专业知识量大、范围宽这一难点,他还推荐我们使用思维导图理清逻辑关系,用软件ANKI辅助记忆。Tim还讲到自己的世界不只有学习,他还积极参与不少课余活动,如MSVT医疗志愿队,用自己所学的知识帮助其他人。最后,他以“Discipline Equals Freedom (自律即自由)”鼓励大家科学管理时间。







CHIN YI QIAO:很高兴能听到学长给我们的学习知识,从中我需要做多一点练习来巩固所学到的知识。且安排好学习的时间和学习的方法,合理的利用时间就可以享受自由。学长们的经验都是值得我们每一位去学习和参考的。

方博翰:The 16CMer Tim had shared with us this afternoon some really good studying tips; it was a very remarkable reminder from him that the more discipline we have, the more freedom we will get. We are truly grateful for him to come and share with us those important things which could benefit our career as the medical student here in Jinan University.

Moyad:I learned from the meeting today the general reflection, which are things that help us to reach our goal. I also learned that I should be social and know the other’s culture and the way they think, and Mr. Tim told us to find something that motivates you to keep up. Moreover, I learned how to organize your time with school and life and how to arrange your priorities. I also learned new studying techniques, like you have to preview the lesson before you go to class, and also we should focus on the key points that the teacher gives us in class, and take notes after class. Finally, I learned that when you want to study for the final exam, don’t spare much effort.

Fred:Today’s class meeting was encouraging, inspiration and supportive which will definitely help in terms of the examinations. The class contained of study tips which will help us in our final exams specifically general reflection which we are supposed to have motivation of which sort example long term and short term goals and also discipline to do what we supposed to do at the right. These tips were provided to us by our senior who happens to have high GPA and told us on how his maintained his very GPA. As in all the class meeting was educative and encouraging and will definitely help us.

Velile:It was a moment of flashback for 17CM, 3 semesters later, reflecting on the journey travelled up to so far and re-aligning study goals according to the reality of the bitter-sweet mission at hand.

Prof Wu expressed, being a parent to a medical student himself expressed empathetic encouragement and understanding to the class of 17 CM. He instilled a mental preparedness that learning is part of culture in the medical profession, the knowledge is ever evolving and therefore doctors need to be always learning to remain relevant.

Tim a progressively excelling student was able to share practical success factors. The core being “begin with an end in mind” motivation and vision a critical drive. Other suggestions were commitment, routine, focus and understanding. He also introduced a self-test website useful exam preparation called ANKI. In closing Ms He re-iterated the rules for examination which are also available in the student handbook. She created two crucial awareness’s; 1. Maintaining and or improving the GPA score as well as assessment of the effectiveness of our study methods in light of the results we achieve; if adjustments should be made then it should be soon rather than late.




文 | 何宇艳 王嘉宁

图 | 何宇艳 廖旭珍

编辑 | 蔡映壕