

文章来源:国际学院 发布时间:2018-09-12 点击数:247 字体:


Take you to the world ofStudents' Congress


On your first day at school, you felt strange to the campus environment. I accompanied you to get familiar with the environment and solve your problems.

我和你一起参加了你在国院的第一个活动 Ocamp,大家拉着手一起玩着游戏,就像是结交许久的朋友,为了团队荣誉而奋斗,为了团队荣誉而喜悦。

We played games on Ocamp and fought for team glory with new friends.

你慢慢熟悉了校园,参加了许许多多的活动,我们为了完善活动,对活动情况进行了调研, 只为了以后活动办得更好、更出色。

You gradually got familiar with the school and took part in a lot of activities. In order to improve the activities, we conducted research on the activity situation.



You asked, "why do you always wear a suit?"

"Because we're student representatives."


We hold the assembly debate for International School League Committee and Student Union Presidium. Always remember the responsibility of monitoring.


We have interviewed the teaching assistants of the freshmen, and we hope they can lead you and give you the most help in the New semester.

我们之间还能有许许多多的故事,你是否愿意加入我们,和我们共同创造一个不一样的学代团?我们按照 40:1的比例从各个专业所有学生中选出学生代表。负责承办国际学院学生会主席团答辩大会和换届选举,参加学代大会,协助学院 Ocamp的举行,以及负责收集学生的提案并与校方沟通。

More stories, created by you.Join us and let us create the future together.The Students' Congress is composed of student representatives elected from each major at a fixed ratio of 40:1.Responsible for debate and election of International School League Committee and Student Union Presidium, conference of Student Congress, assisting the Orientation Camp, collecting students' proposals and communicating with the school authorities.



陈泳茵 Terry / 16PHA

秘书长(Secretary General)

江慧 Heather / 16FQS

秘书处(The secretariat):


The secretariat is responsible for reimbursement, keeping records of meetings and space application for logistic support. And be responsible for contacting personnel and coordinating activities.

事务科科长(Head of Affair Department)

邱芷滺 Cherry / 16CM

事务科(Affair Department):


Make preparations and arrangements of the meetings.Responsible for the management of human resources in meeting.Collect and organize information.

监察科科长Head of Supervision Department

徐丽晨 Kaylee / 16FNC

监察科(Supervision Department):


Scrutinize and supervise everything that is needed to do so.Exercise the power of giving suggestions to the school as a representative of students by collecting constructive proposals.Supervise the activities held by the Student Union and conclude the pros and cons of those activities.Supervise the election of the presidents and the first secretary of ISLCSU.

宣传科科长Head of Publicity Department

刘姿宜 Liz / 16IET

宣传科(Publicity Department):


Responsible for the photographing and writing of all the meetings and activities held by the Students' Congress.Host meetings and take charge of the WeChat Official Account. Responsible for the production of publicity materials.

海外学生事务科科长Head of Oversea Affair Department

苏柏林 Isaac / 16CST

海外学生事务科(Oversea Affair Department):


Help the oversea students to fit in the Chinese college life and solve their problems. Develop interflow between Chinese and oversea students and enhance the ability to adapt ourselves to the pluralistic society.

具体要求 :服务同学的志愿、追求高效的态度、恪尽职守的责任

Requirement:Be helpful、Be efficient、 Be responsible



No weekly work meetings

but high comprehensive scores!





Make your voice heard!

Make your classmates’ voice heard!



9月14日 20:00

Deadline for online registration:

September 14th 20:00


Offline registration is available on September 16th


【校本部 Main Campus】


Interview Site:

Second Science Building 319


Interview Time: 14:00-17:00


【番禺校区 Panyu Campus】


Interview Site:

The teaching building N225


Interview Time: 8:30-12:30



图文  /  暨南大学国际学院学代团

编辑  /  刘姿宜