Exam Policies 期末考试注意事项
Exam Policies
Place valid identification on the desk.
NO electronic devices of any kind (including iPods, cell phones, PDAs, etc.) will be allowed in exam rooms during exams. They should be shut off and handed in to the proctors if you’ve carried them to the exam rooms. The use or carrying of electronic devices is viewed as a violation of the rules.
Possession of books, notes and any kind of documents is NOT allowed in exam rooms during exams. Please keep your desks and drawers clean.
Students are only allowed to bring necessary writing instruments. Scrap paper is NOT allowed unless authorized by the supervisors. Bags, pencil cases, tissues, books and other articles should be brought to the front of the exam rooms.
Any violations of the exam rules will result in disciplinary action and the loss of your degree,according to the Academic Regulations of Jinan University.
考生不准携带手机等通讯、电子设备入场,已经携带的, 请务必关机并关闭闹钟后放置在监考员指定的位置,不得随身携带, 违者一经发现,不论是否开机、是否查看,一律以作弊论处。
考生只准携带必要的文具入座,未经允许不得自带草稿纸,不得以备用为由在课桌上放置多余的文具。书包、笔袋、纸巾和书籍等与考试无关的物品务必放置在监考教师指定位置, 违者以违纪作弊论处。
《暨南大学本科学生学分制学籍管理规定》 第十三章第五十五条规定:本科总平均学分绩点达到 1.80 的毕业生,无考试作弊行为,经学校学位评定委员会审核确认,符合《中华人民共和国学位条例》规定者,授予学士学位。(准确理解为:考试作弊者,无论其后的行政处分解除与否,都将不被授予学位。)