国际学院Welcome Party在湖景餐厅举办
(本讯网 通讯员:夏岚 王若寒 摄影:胡海燕 王若寒 )2017年9月14号傍晚,国院团委学生会的成员们在番禺校区湖景餐厅为举办了一场精彩的Welcome Party。
接下来是选team leader,各个leader都使劲浑身解数来吸引各组成员。选到leader以后,开始下一个游戏。
接着到了中场休息时间,看完了邓文昕学姐精彩的的表演后,开始抽奖,奖品是Welcome Party的限定衣服,抽到的同学都十分激动,为自己的运气开心。
最后,大家一齐跳舞,伴着欢快的音乐,结束了今晚的Welcome Party。
In the evening of September 14, 2017, International school league committee and student union held a welcome party for freshmen in the dining hall of south campus. The freshmen checked in and high five with our senior students with the cheerful music.
First of all, a group of dancing team gave an excellent performance, which brought the party to climax. The freshmen burst into cheers and applause.
And then, freshmen were divided into 10 groups according to the letters on their ticket and found their team leader. They became familiar with each other after their self-introduction. The first group game needed them to pick up as many as little bubbles in required colors. It was funny because students made strange poses squatting on the ground and tried their best to pick them up. The punishment for the losing group was even much more exciting. The boys had to do push-ups above girls and everyone burst into laughter.
After that, another excellent performance was given by Deng Wenxin. She sang two songs: the first one is diamond and the second one was try everything. Her voice was so pleasant that everyone was attracted by it.
Next game was cucumber mask, which required the freshmen in every group make masks with slices of cucumber and put them on their faces. Everyone lookedso funny with so many slices of cucumbers on the faces that they could not stop laughing. And then the losing team had to sing a song with water in their mouth. The party was filled with laughter and enthusiasm.
The last game was delivering required items, such as a pair of shoes, a cap or a T-shirt to teammates on shiatsu plates. And at the end, there was a fashion show of each group to show all the items they had transmitted.
All the game finished. We danced with our freshmen. And we took group photos and said goodbye to them.
Thanks the freshmen for their attendance and encouragement to Welcome Party. We hope that it will be a wonderful memory to all of you guys.