
Date:2022-04-28 Source:国际学院







武汉大学 信息安全专业    工程学学士

香港中文大学 新媒体专业   理学硕士

武汉大学 传播学专业(新媒介发展研究方向)文学博士

Ph.D. Communication, Wuhan University

M.S.C. New Media, Chinese University of Hong Kong,

B.Eng. Network Security, Wuhan University



刘倩. (2015). 中国新媒体技术标准的形成与扩散之研究 .(2020).暨南大学出版社.

Refereed Journal Articles:

Park, C. S., Liu, Q., & Kaye, B. K. (2021). Analysis of Ageism, Sexism, and Ableism in User Comments on YouTube Videos About Climate Activist Greta Thunberg. Social Media+ Society, 7(3), 20563051211036059.

Zhong B, Liu Q. (2021, June). Medical Insights from Posts About Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Adolescent Patients and Their Parents: Topic Modeling and Social Network AnalysisJournal of Medical Internet Research, 2021;23(6):e26867doi: 10.2196/26867PMID: 34106078

He, Z., Chin, Y., Yu, S., Huang, J., Zhang, C. J., Zhu, K., ... & Liu, Qian. (2020). Average temperature and relative humidity and domestic new cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in nine Asian cities: A time-series analysis. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance

Zhong, B., Huang, Y., & Liu, Q(Corresponding author). (2020). Mental health toll from the coronavirus: Social media usage reveals Wuhan residents’ depression and secondary trauma in the COVID-19 outbreak. Computers in Human Behavior, 106524.

Liu, Q., Zheng, Z., Zheng, J., Chen, Q., Liu, G., Chen, S., ... & Zhang, C. J. (2020). Health Communication Through News Media During the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Outbreak in China: Digital Topic Modeling Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research22(4), e19118.

Liu, Q., Chen, Q., Shen, J., Wu, H., Sun, Y., & Ming, W. K. (2019). Data Analysis and Visualization of Newspaper Articles on Thirdhand Smoke: A Topic Modeling Approach. JMIR medical informatics7(1), e12414.

•He, Z., Chin, Y., Yu, S., Huang, J., Zhang, C. J., Zhu, K., ... & Liu, Qian. (2020). Average temperature and relative humidity and domestic new cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in nine Asian cities: A time-series analysis. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.

Shen, J. Y., Chen, J. B., Liu, Z. R., Song, J., Wong, S. Y., Wang, X. L., ... & Liu, Q. (2019). All An Innovative Artificial Intelligence Application In Disease Screening: An Opportunity To Improve Maternal Health Care In An Underdeveloped Rural Area. Value in Health22, S34.

Liu, Q., Shi, X., Wang, X., & Li, J. (2017). 5G development in China: From policy strategy to user-oriented architecture. Mobile Information Systems2017.

Competitive Conference Papers:

Liu,Q., Fan,Y.(2020).Early online rumors on 2019-nCoV Coronavirus: Fighting virus and misinformation.International Conference on Computational Social Science 2020 , July 17-20, Online.

Park,C,S,.Liu,Q.(2020).“How Dare You”: Analysis of Incivility in Audience Responses to YouTube Videos about Climate Activist Greta Thunberg. ICA Conference 2020, Online.

Park,C,S,.Liu,Q.(2020).The effects of news aggregators on news consumption and the moderating role of news efficacy. AEJMC Midwinter Conference 2020, March 6-7, Oklahoma.

Zhong, B., Liu,Q., &Kumar, A.(2019).The medical insights from parents' online discussion of their teen children's IBS symptoms: A LDA topic modeling approach. 2019 Conference of Health IT and Analytics, November 14-16, Washington D.C.

Liu Q., Deng P., Huang J.(2017). Gathering Online Customer Reviews to Improve Business Negotiations Based on a Topic Modelling Approach. In 2017 International Conference on Business Linguistics and Intercultural Business Communication (BL-IBC), November 17-19, China.

Liu, Q., Ni, J., Huang, J., & Shi, X. (2017, June). Big data for social media evaluation: a case of WeChat platform rankings in China. In 2017 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC) (pp. 528-533). IEEE.



2019年以来,担任多家学术期刊 审稿人,包括:Health and place, PLOS One, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,  Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

2020年,8月,学术会议AEJMC 评审人,评论人, Mass Comm & Society Committee, 2020 The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)

2019年,会议论文评审,技术委员会成员,第二届大数据和人工智能国际会议(BDAI 2019)和第三届高性能计算与集群技术会议(HPCCT 2019

2018 会议论文评审,International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI2018)

Journal Reviewer, Health and place, PLOS One, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Reviews on Recent Clinical TrialsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Conference Paper Reviewer, Mass Comm & Society Committee, 2020 The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 

Conference Paper Reviewer, Technical Committee, The 2nd International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI 2019) and 3rd High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference (HPCCT 2019)

Faculty advisor, 2019 Guangdong museum project on WeChat Program “Search the Dragon”

Faculty advisor, 2019 Guangdong museum project on Virtual Reality for “Jiang kou chen yin exhibition”

Chief advisor, 2018 Guangdong museum project on Virtual Reality for “Vogue and Elegance”

Faculty advisor, 2018 Guangdong museum project on Virtual Reality for “Beauty is the gilt wood, Chaozhou Wood carving exhibition”

Community Service

Volunteer, Guangdong Museum, April 2018 - present

Volunteer, New York State Museum, September 2019 – August 2020