Reading & Writing

Date:2020-12-22 Source:国际学院

Course Description:

Writing about narration encourages students to examine how authors craft short stories through narrative techniques including characterization, setting, point of view, theme, plot, style and tone and imagery. Along the way, we’ll hone our textual interpretation skills, learn about the development of the short story as a genre, and consider how particular authors’ historical, philosophical, religious, and linguistic backgrounds influence their writing.


Course Objectives:


After completing this course, students will:

ü Value reading and writing as a way to learn and study;

ü Respect independent thinking, diversity, and the individual’s right to hold differing opinions and values;

ü Exercise their critical reading and writing skills to enhance their quality of life and to support their life-long learning.

ü Learn the basics of narrative

ü Develop narrative techniques such as structuring the story, writing scenes, understanding distinctive approaches to literary texts

ü Evaluate narrative


Course Policies & Requirements:

1. Course attendance policy: Attendance is measured by physical class attendance or any submission of a required assignment within the enrollment dates of the course (such as examinations, written papers or projects, any discussion board posts, etc.)


2. Late Assignment Policy:

Course Assignments should be submitted on time. If the student is unable to complete an assignment on time, then he or she must contact the instructor immediately by email.

Assignments that are submitted after the due date without prior approval from the instructor will receive the following deductions:

a. Late assignments submitted within one week after the due date will receive up to a 10% deduction.

b. Assignments submitted more than one week and less than 2 weeks late will receive up to a 20% deduction.

c. Assignments submitted two weeks late or after the final date of the course will not be accepted outside of special circumstances, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the instructor.

Please review after each class


Credits: 4