Course Objectives:
The course introduces the valuation of complex securities in a complete markets environment. Students will develop a basic understanding of the principles of the futures.
Course Requirements:
Final examination
Course Contents:
Ch1 Introduction
-Exchange-traded markets
-OTC markets
-Forward contracts
-Futures contracts
-Type of traders
Ch2 Mechanics of futures markets
-Specification of a future contract
-Convergence of futures price to spot price
-The operation of margins
-OTC market
-Market quotes
-Forward v.s. futures contracts
Ch3 Hedging strategies using futures
-Arguments for and against hedging
-Basis risk
-Cross hedging
-CAPM and some econometric technique
-Stock index futures
Ch4 Interest rates
-Types of rats
-Measuring interest rates
-Zero rates
-Bond pricing
-Determining Treasury zero rates
-Forward rats
-Forward rate aggrements
Ch5 Determination of forward and futures prices
Credits: 2