Course Objectives:
This course aims to equip students with the essential concepts and ideas in game theory. Game theory models conflict and cooperation between rational decision-making agents. It has applications in a wide variety of areas, including statistical decision theory, artificial intelligence (online learning, multi-agent systems), economics and business (auctions, pricing, bargaining), biology (evolution, signaling behavior, fighting behavior), political science (stability of government, military strategy), and philosophy (ethics, morality and social norms).
We will cover most of the following topics.
I. Analyzing games:
1. Combinatorial games
2, Different games settings
3. Zero-sum games
4. General-sum games, Nash equilibria
7. Correlated equilibria
8. Price of anarchy
II. Designing games:
12. Cooperative games
13. Voting
14. Auctions
15. Elicitation
16. Scoring rules
18. Adaptive decision making
Course Requirements:
Attendance 10%
In-class participation 10%
Assignments 20%
Final Exam 60%
Course Contents:
Module 1: Why do we need game theory, and what does it tell us?
Module 2: Understanding Nash equilibrium
Module 3: Rationality, knowledge, and evolution in repeated games
Module 4: Sustaining cooperation
Module 5: Incomplete information games
Credit: 2