Course Objectives and requirements:
The course through some hot and necessary topics on international business discussion to:
1. Understand the different challenges businesses face when they operate in an international environment;
2. Examine the various cultural, political and legal issues that impact international business activities;
3.Review instruments of trade policy and discuss the case for government intervention;
4. Understand FDI theories and appreciate the interaction of business and government as they relate to international commerce;
5. Develop insight into the management implications of international business strategy and operations.
Course Contents:
The basic content of the course includes (1) an overview of the means of conducting international business, with an emphasis on what makes international different from domestic; (2) the effects of the social systems within countries on the conduct of international business; (3) the major theories explaining international business transactions and the institutions influencing those activities; (4) the dynamic interface between countries and companies attempting to conduct foreign business activities; (5) corporate strategy alternatives for global operations; and (6) international activities that fall largely within functional disciplines.
Credits: 2