Public Finance

Date:2020-11-02 Source:国际学院

Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to teach in detail the economical concepts and theories related to government behaviors.  Upon completing this course, students should be able to apply the relevant concepts and theories to evaluate the admissibility, comparability and preferable nature of government policies.  For particular government projects that affect personal interests, students would also be able to evaluate and criticize with concepts and theories of public finance.


Course Requirements

1. This course is taught completely in English, which includes textbook, lecture, discussions, assignments and examinations.  It requires that the students have intermediary levels of listening, reading, comprehension and writing skills in English.  

2. This course requires that students conduct part of the study in groups outside of classroom.  Students should be prepared to be team players and possess the necessary skills of collecting and processing data, compiling information to conduct analysis, and make conclusion or criticism based on the theories in this course.


Course Contents

1. Basic concepts and theories related to welfare economics, efficient provision of public goods, correction of externalities, rationales of income redistribution, etc.

2. Government expenditures and their impact on social welfare, income distribution, public goods, and externalities.  Students are required to conduct research on a particular government expenditure program and analyze its rationales and impacts.

3. Government revenue, i.e. taxation, and its impact on social welfare, income distribution, public goods, or externalities.

Credits 3