Dattatreya Mukherjee5th Scientific Paper Published in the International Open Accessed Journal

Date:2020-05-28 Source:国际学院

I have published my 5th scientific paper, which is a literature review on immuno-oncology, in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT, impact factor: 7.97). Immune-oncology is the future of oncology and this paper is the basics of immune-oncology where we have shown the effect of interleukins towards various cancer metastasis. We have taken this project in the end of January when we have worked on interleukins, neutrophils and other cytokines like tumour necrotic factors. I have concentrated on interleukins and other team members focused on other topics.

Through this review work, we get to know IL10 has anti antiangiogenic factors so it will be helpful in cancer treatment. IL6 is the most common IL which is related to most of the cancer metastasis.

After this research work I have joined an immuno-oncology based Cancer research project which will be done for next five years.

My Five Scientific Papers are:

  1. Piriformis Syndrome in relation to sciatic nerve bifurcation in gluteal region, Kakarlapudi Sridhar Varma, Dattatreya Mukherjee, EC clinical and Experimental Anatomy, June, 2019

  2. With AMG510, The treatment of non small cell lung cancer has been changed. Dattatreya Mukherjee, Presented and published in International Cancer and stem cell conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  3. Significance of minimal residual disease detection by flow cytometry in Paediatric B cell ALL treatment in tertiary care centre in Eastern India

KK Mukherjee, D Banerjee, A das, S Halder, D Mukherjee, SS Mandol, SK Roy, M Das, U Choudhury, IOSR-JDMS, Vol 19, Issue 4 Series 2, 11-15,2020

  1. Correlation of Minimal Residual Disease Detection in Paediatric B Cell All Patient with Their Overall Survival and Prognosis- Experience in Tertiary Care Centre in Eastern India, KK Mukherjee, D Banerjee, A das, S Halder, D Mukherjee, SS Mandol, SK Roy, M Das, U Choudhury, IOSR-JDMS, Vol 19, Issue 5 Series 1, 01-08,2020

  2. Interleukins and Cancer Metastasis-A Brief Relation, Dattatreya Mukherjee, Pallab Chakraborty, IJCRT, Vol 8, May 2020

 For this research work I want to thank my University, My professors of my University, My parents and Saraswati Online.