More than 35 scholarships are available at JUN to support current students to realize their potential and goals during their studies at the University.
The following scholarships are available:

Type of Scholarships:     Merit-based Scholarships for Current Students   Entrance Scholarships for New Students   Enrichment Scholarship for Current Students    Financial Needs apply


Name of Scholarships

Type of Scholarships

Students Origin

National Scholarship

Not specified

National Encouragement Scholarship


Mainland China

Scholarship for Students of HK, Macau, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese

HK, Macau, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese with Chinese identity

Chinese Students Scholarship

Overseas Chinese with foreign identity

Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship

Not specified (only for IET majors)

Huang Qianheng Foundation Scholarship

Not specified

Outstanding Students Scholarship

Not specified

Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship

Not specified(only for international students)

Excellent Foreign Self-Funded Students Scholarship

Not specified(only for international students)

Individual Scholarship

HK, Macau, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese

Scholarship for Outstanding Student Leaders

Not specified

SF-Express Foundation Scholarship

Mainland China



















JUN provides more than 10 grants to financially disadvantaged students, aiming to give them the financial freedom to focus on their studies and other enrichment opportunities. The following grants are available: 




Type of Grants:  Merit-based Grants for Current Students   Entrance Grants for New Students Enrichment Grants for Current Students   Financial Needs apply

Name of Student Grants

Type of Grants

Place of Origin of Students

National Grants

Mainland China

The New Great Wall Grants

Mainland China

Special Talents Grants

HK, Macau, Taiwan and Oversea Chinese

Innovation Grants

HK, Macau, Taiwan and Oversea Chinese

Students Leaders Grants

HK, Macau, Taiwan and Oversea Chinese

Huang Qianheng Foundation Grants

Mainland China

Interest-Free Loan

Mainland China