ICC|Malaysia students visiting Jinan!

Date:2018-11-09 Source:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MTE1MzEyNw==&mid=2247483797&idx=1&sn=907e1c3ae9462b020202f2fbe70b2e6c&chksm=ea5f899ddd28008b5642b82cfb158cf7a4bf1acc09fbf57076f5176c6cefbaf975b85da6bb7c&token=127718732&lang=zh_CN#rd

On November 7, 2018, ICC received the student exchange group from Malaysia.

It was the beginning of winter again, but ICC team members added a touch of warmth to this festival which had meant a harsh winter with their enthusiasm. ICC members also made the guests from Malaysia feel at home.

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In the morning, after receiving the members of the Malaysian student exchange group, the ICC members show them around at the school's history museum. Guests from Malaysia had generated a great interest from the long history of Jinan campus. They looked at the historical objects displayed in the display cases, and watched the portraits of Jinan alumni on the wall, appreciating their elegance.

After they walked out from the school's history hall, the ICC members led the exchange student group to wander around campus. Along the way, the picturesque scenery of Jinan was overwhelming, making the members linger around.

ICC Volunteer Team

Jinan Univercity

After a short break, the afternoon cultural exchange activity began. The student exchange group from Malaysia showed us their own culture and introduced their Alma mater to the members of ICC through an elaborate video. Then a show of traditional Malaysian clothing was presented to the ICC members. Finally, they generously gave a portion of their traditional clothing to the ICC team.

Courtesy demands reciprocity, the ICC members also showcased Chinese opera, Tang poetry and Chinese zither to the members of Malaysian exchange group. The ICC members also offered on-site teaching of Cantonese and Mandarin.

The activities finally came to an end. Both of the guests and the hosts were satisfied and back with fruitful results. The ICC successfully set up a bridge of communication between different cultures, and it will continue to witness more sparks of cultural collision and fusion!

Thank youMalaysia


文案Copywriting: Win, Jin Kaiyan

校阅Review:Li Shenglin


摄影photography:Guo Yongyuan, Liu Chang