The 5th English Debate has been applying now! 首先,什么是ED呢? Firstly,What is ED? 它的全称是英语辩论赛, Its full name is English Debate. 那么从赛制上, Well,on the format 它采用的是螺旋爆炸酷炫的 It introduced into a very awesome system 英国议会制 which is called The British Parliamentary System 大致的流程分为开篇立论、自由辩论、结论 There are four process on the game:Opening proposition and opposition,free debate,and Closing proposition and opposition. 其次,初赛时间: Secondly,About the Preliminary competition time: 04.15 上午场 09:00-12:00 校本部选手专场 Preliminary on Main Campus (available for participants of Main Campus) 下午场 14:30-17:30 番禺校区选手专场 Preliminary on Main Campus (available for participants of Panyu Campus) 下午场次的选手们会有专车接送~ We would have shuttle transfer for participants of Panyu Campus 半决赛与决赛时间: the Semifinal Competition and the Final Competition 半决赛 Semifinal Competition 决赛 Final Competition 地点:本部第二文科楼316 Location is the 2nd Social Science Building 今年我们在评分标准上会有全新的侧重点 We have new standard of scale this year. 评分更侧重在argument和logic,而不是你的英语表达能力 The key point we want to focus is argument and logic,not your oral English! 不必担心自己没有经验 Don’t worry about yourself inexperienced. 因为大家都是刚起步的娃娃 Because everybody starts from zero! 而报了名以后, However when you sign up, 我们会邀请到Tom We would invite Tom 来给我们进行赛前培训 to give us an professional training 来解答我们一切的顾虑 to explain anything we may doubt. 我们就想要这样一个优秀的你!!! Hunting for you!!! 图片|ADD 文字|ADD