December 4th, 2016, English Speech Contest was held by Academy Affairs and Development Department of ISLCSU on Third floor of 2nd Social Science Building in Main Campus at 2'o clock.
First of all, the hosts from ADD introduced the order of the event and today’s judges. The judges are Prof. Liu, Prof. Chen, Prof. Deng, Prof. Moran, Prof. Steel, and so on. After the secretary of International school, Prof. Deng’s brief speech, they gave some information about today’s topic, culture. This contest was divided into two parts, preliminary rounds and final contest. After preliminary rounds, some outstanding participants would be selected to the finals.
During the preliminary part, there were three groups of contestants and each participant delivered their own topic related by main topic, culture, for three minutes. During the speech, the staff from ADD let them know the rest of time. After listening, judges asked some questions for a minute and gave them score.
After the MC informed their score and finalists, they had break time until finals. In finals, the staff would show randomly each contestant some pictures. After choosing one of them and looking at the image for two minutes, they made their own interesting story with their imagination or thoughts and comments.
After all of speeches, judges gave their thoughts and criticism about their speeches and generalized score.
Finally, the hosts announced Third prize, Second prize and today’s champion in order. The Third place is 林佑蓁(Youzhen Lin), Second place is 王语诗(Yushi Wang), and the Champion is Jamon Philip Varughese.
Editor|Almitra Lee