The Timeless Show of Ancient Egypt - IS Won the Gold Award for 3 Successive T…

Date:2015-05-25 Source:国际学院

 On the evening of May 23th, 2015, the JNU Folk Dance Competition was held in the auditorium of main school. 22 teams from all five campuses had taken an active part in this competition.

Their well-prepared folk dance performances not only brought us a visual feast, but also introduced us a lot of different cultures in the world.

Though the competition was going to begin at 7 pm, all the staff of CRD came to the hall at 7 in the morning to do preparation in order to bring us a perfect show. After all day’s preparation, the competition began in the evening and our International School was the 19th to perform. The ancient Egyptian folk dance had caught everyone’s eyes at the very moment.

At the beginning, boys in gorgeous ancient Egyptian clothes danced with a cheerful pace. Then girls brought us an amazing belly dance. The great clothes, the well-arranged dance and the synchronization of actions had gained applause from the audience for them.

At last, the International School was declared the winner of the competition. We got the gold award, the best organization award and the second prize for poster presentation. We all know that the success was purely attributed to the dancers and workers hard work and the relentless pursuit to perfection.

Our heartfelt cheers to our international school! Thanks to each team and dancers efforts; all audience happened to really enjoy a remarkable Folk Dance show which made the night.

The Dancers' Name list as follows:

Name  Grade Major Stu.Number
许涵捷 2014 IET 2014052865
张芸嘉 2014 IET 2014050616
钟紫琪 2014 IET 2014050612
秦昊全 2014 IET 2014055763
陈健富 2014 IET 2014055762
陈信维 2014 IET 2014055795
龙志钰 2014 IET 2014055504
潘颖欣 2014 IET 2014055754
王心怡 2014 CPA 2014050632
李嘉雯 2014 FQS 2014050673
申芮一 2014 FQS 2014053155
秦申奥 2014 FQS 2014050685
严冠斌 2014 PHA 2014050663
赵锡宇 2014 PHA 2014057760
郑耀峰 2012 IET 2012057278
李玉愉 2012 IET 2012055006
陈思慧 2012 FNC 2012050168
区凯琪 2013 CM 2013055650
刘书祎 2013 FNC 2013050067
涂双 2013 FNC 2013050062
刘栩炜 2013 CGA 2013050054
冯雅浩 2013 CGA 2013050039
马心怡 2013 CGA 2013050052
萧淇文 2013 IET 2013055886
周秦汉 2013 IET 2013050009
郑雯雯 2013 IET 2013055314
王咏加 2013 IET 2013055450
徐睿灼 2014 IJ 2014050007
张鹤 2014 IJ 2014053159
杨司扬 2014 IJ 2014050395
李嘉欣 2014 IJ 2014050704
洗达亨 2014 CM 2014057679
苏莉力 2012 IET 2012056846
Victor Alberto Han Zou 2014 IET 2014059013
Ousman Sidibay 2011 IET 2009053835
Vivi veronica 2012 IET 2012059109
Anna 2012 IET 2012059045
Carolina 2012 IET 2012059129
Dennis 2013 FNC 2013059090
Anastassiya 2013 IET 2013059041
Jeffy 2013 IET 2013059326
Aaina Sharma 2013 MBBS 2013059450
Jayakrishnan J 2013 MBBS 2013059436
Najmah Nazar 2013 MBBS 2013059410
Anjel Hanna 2013 MBBS 2013059430
Anurag Dutta 2013 MBBS 2013059457
Siddharth Gautam 2014 MBBS 2014059213
Pankti Kamlesh 2014 MBBS 2014059400

Written by Feng Zishan and Niu Kexingxing

Photo by Zhang Yiyan and Liu simin

 Edited by Andy and Karthi