Jin Yimei from 10CM Gave a Speech on the “2015 National Reproduction Medicine…

Date:2015-04-29 Source:国际学院

 Last Saturday, April the 17th, Jin Yimei, the student from 10CM gave an inspiring speech about her research workThe impact of high salt-exposure on the cardiovascular development in early chick embryo” on the “2015 National Reproduction Medicine BBS”.


“2015 National Reproduction Medicine BBS” was organized by CMDA (Chinese Medical Doctor) and co-organized by the “Women's Hospital School of Medicine Zhejiang University” together with “Run Run Shaw hospital affiliated to the medical college of Zhejiang university”. The BBS was held in Hangzhou and lasted for 4 days.


More than 200 Obstetrics and Gynecology doctors from hospital all over the country participated in the BBS. Qiao Jie (the director of The third hospital affiliated to the Peking University), Huang Hefeng (the director of Obstetrics and gynecology hospital affiliated to the Shanghai Jiaotong university) and more than 10 other experts gave their lectures on the BBS, among whom Jin Yimei was the only student. After listening to her speech, all doctors applauded loudly. Many of them couldn’t believe this excellent work was from a young under graduate student.


Jin Yimei’s research work was guided by Pro. Yang Xuesong & Wang Guang MD from the Medical School, and the work was completed together with the help of Zhao Shuzhu from the Medical School, Zhang Nuan & Wei Yifan from 11CM, and Wu Yunlin & Huang Shengxin from 14CM. Her paperChanges in the osmolality of the embryonic microenvironment induces neural tube malformationswas already published on the “Molecular Reproduction and DevelopmentIF 2.7.

Written and Photo by Jin Yimei


 Edited by Andy and Karthi