Professor Shuze Tang, dean of the school, paid an academic visit to a partner university, National University of Ireland-Cork (UCC) from January 5 to 31, 2015 as a senior Scientist and PhD student supervisor supported by China Scholarship Council.
During his academic visit, Professor Tang studied at various reputed labs such as Professor Yrjö Roos’ lab specialized in physical properties (crystallization) of food components, Dr. Joe Kerry’s lab in active packaging, Professor Colin Hill’s lab in phage and nisin, Professor Paul O’Toole’s lab in gut microbiology and functional food, Professor Dimitri Papkovsky’s lab in optic oxygen sensor, Professor David Sheehan’s lab in ocean food toxicology, and Dr. James Hynes’s Luxcel BioInnovation Center in optic sensor application. Professor Tang presented two seminars for UCC colleagues. One is China Studies Master Degree program in Jinan University for UCC China region working group, and the other is New challenges of meat safety in China for UCC food science scholars.
Seminar for China Regional Working Group
Academic seminar to UCC food science colleagues
Professor Tang also did much works, on behalf of JNU, to develop a closer relationship between the two universities. He reviewed the MOU with Professor Paul Giller, UCC Registrar and Senior Vice President, and explored the student exchange opportunities with Christopher, Marita, Emma and Deirdre from International Office. In addition, he discussed issues of common interest about the program of China Studies with Dr. Sverre Lidholm and Professor Jackie Sheehan, head of School of Asian Studies. He took the chance to meet the head of college of Science and Engineering Paul Ross.
Meeting with Registrar, Prof. Paul Giller
Meeting with Head of the International Office
Meeting with Prof. Paul Ross, Head of College of Science and Engineering