It stopped raining in Guangzhou, with the arrival of the new students. At 6:00 am, Sept 7,the International School Student Union’s members got together to move documents and clothes to Jiling Square. After decorating the site, we waited for the new students.
At 8:00am, registration started. Queuing, scanning bar codes, inspecting admission notices and students’ information, distributing documents, and choosing clothes…Everything proceeded smoothly and as planned.
Our workers only had a short period of time for lunch. We talked with several students, who entered the school nervous and curious, just the same as we felt last year. They all wanted to integrate into the big family—International School as soon as possible.
Now, they pulled on their new yellow T-shirts; they looked like bees. In this new garden, they go forward with both fear and excitement. They don’t know what is waiting for them, but with their effort, they hope to produce sweet honey.
They still have lots more to work on. Good luck!
Written by Yang Tianran,Shi Guangyu
Photo by ISCLSU