Results of the 13th ISLCSU President and No.1 Deputy Secretary Election

Date:2014-01-17 Source:国际学院

   After months of preparation by ISSC, the 13th International School League Committee and Student Union President and No.1 Deputy Secretary Election has been successfully held on 1st June. Witnessed by Mr. LiuMing, Mr. He Dongfeng, Mr. He Xiaoyong, Mr. Wen Lixia and other students, Mark Ma from 11FNC has become the 13th ISSU President and Jane Chen from 11FQS the 13th ISSU No.1 Deputy Secretary.

  In the presidential election, the registered electorate was 1578 (all students from IS could vote), and 849 students, in total, voted. The turnout in the election was 54.17%, over 50%, thus the election is legal. Candidate Mark Ma gained 676 confident ballots and 159 unconfident ballots, 14 ballots were invalid. The number of confident votes is greater then unconfident ones, so Mark Ma has become the President.

  In the No.1 Deputy Secretary election, the registered electorate is 624 (only CCP/youth league members in IS could vote). 411 students, in total, voted. The turnout in the election was 65.87%, over 50%, thus the election is legal. Candidate Jane Chen gained 316 confident ballots and 85 unconfident ballots, 10 ballots were invalid. The number of confident ballots is greater then unconfident ones, so Jane Chen has become the No.1 Deputy Secretary.

Written by Secretariat, Student’s Congress of the International School
Revised by Raewyn
Edited by Nick