On the hot September, International School gladly ushered in the 2012 freshman and their parents. In order to let all parents have a better understanding of our International School, the student representatives of our International School assisted the academy teachers to hold an opening meeting for the freshman parents.

The meeting was held on the September 8 at the Room 316 of the third floor, Second Social Science Building. It started at 3:00 pm and lasted for nearly two and a half hours. There are three components in this meeting. First; Dean TANG delivered a wonderful speech. Second, the excellent student representatives gave a speech. Finally, it was Q & A session. The meeting attended by up to 80 people. Especially for the Q & A session, many parents asked the questions actively and Dean answered patiently, which took the meeting to a climax.

Written by Jessie of 10CGA
Photo by Andy
Edited by Nick