Introduction to Pharmaceutics

Date:2014-01-17 Source:国际学院


The course is prepared for the freshmen who major in Pharmacy and Chinese Pharmacy, and it’s an important professional course. This course will give students a guide to learn the knowledge of pharmacy. The course will tell students about the development of pharmacy, the responsibility and mission of a pharmaceutical practitioner and the direction to learn pharmacy professional subjects. The course fits all students who major pharmacy and teach the students how to master their profession study. We try to gather the knowledge of pharmacy from China to western countries, run through the whole history of Pharmacy and touch upon the introduction of the most important pharmacy subjects. We try to make the students to understand the complicated major knowledge easily. In this course, we also tell the students about the development and new progress of modern pharmacy, and make them know the knowledge structure of pharmacy. 
Our main teaching method is topic in English for the students come from International College. The course contains 9 topics, each topic take 2 hours. Students are required to prepare before class, review after class, and discuss in class, at the end of the term there will be a final exam. The course will emphasize the introduction of 6 most important secondary Pharmaceutical subjects, such as Pharmacognosy, Medicinal Chemistry , Phytochemistry , Pharmacology , Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical analysis and Biological Pharmaceuticals .
Since this course is the first major subject, the freshmen may be hardly to understand some knowledge in this course, so we cut this course into 9 lectures, each lecture has its own theme. At the end of the lesson, students will have several minutes to ask any question about these themes.  The aim of this class is to tell them the meaning and purpose of their study lives, subject characters and learning methods, basic knowledge and integrate skills. The course will try to lighten the way of professional learning for the students.
Credits: 1