Pharmacy Administration demand students to be familiar with pharmacy management organization, be familiar with pharmacy research,manufacture,supply,use and management, and use Chinese pharmacy management rule of law.
The essential contents of Pharmacy Administration: The conception and composing of pharmacy affairs, The types of pharmaceutical affairs organization. The essential functions and framework of State Food and Drug Administration, The essential functions of National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products (NICPBP), The essential functions of the Pharmacopoeia Commission of P.R.C., The essential functions of Center for Drugs Evaluation (CDE),、The essential functions of Center for Drugs Reevaluation (CDR) ,The essential functions of Certification Committee for Drugs (CCD) .The conception of pharmacy technician, The conception, responsibility and moral of pharmacist, The conception, responsibility and moral of licensed pharmacist, The examination, registration and follow-up education of licensed pharmacist.. drug conception, drug quality characteristics, The conception and classify of drug standard, The conception and management of prescription and OTC, The conception, classify and management of adverse drugs reaction, The conception, type and management of the special control drugs. legislative intention and applying area, Control over drug manufacturers, control over drug distributors, control over pharmaceuticals in medical Institutions, Drug research, drug imports and exports, the conception of counterfeit drugs the conception of substandard drugs, Control over Drug Packaging, Control over Drug Pricing and Advertising, Legal duty. The conceptions of drug register, New drugs register procedure, Imitate drugs register procedure, OTC register procedure, Import drugs register procedure. applying area and essential idea of GMP, The essential contents of GMP,GMP certification procedure and provision, The measure of Drugs manufacture supervisal and management. The essential contents of GSP,GSP certification procedure and provision, The measure of drug supply certificate management, The measure of Drugs supply supervisal and management. The drug department composing of medical institutions, The composing and responsibility of Pharmacy Administration Committee, Dispensing and prescription management,Drug preparation registration and supervising management,Clinical pharmacy.
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