Animal and Plant Quarantine

Date:2014-01-17 Source:国际学院

It is a specialized course designated to the major of Food quality and safety. Its mainly discusses diagnosis of quarantined animals and plants and their products, including the quarantine procedures, meatures and how to deal with them. The student must understand the concept of animal and plant quarantine and its importance, national and international regulations, inspection and diagnosis methods, and the treatment method of quarantined ones.
The students are required to uderstand the concept of animal and plant quarantine and its importance, national and international regulations, inspection and diagnosis methods, and the treatment method of quarantined ones.
  1. The concept, inportance and regulation of quarantine for animal and plants.
  2. The permit procedures and its law basis
  3. Quarantine of exit, entry and transit animals and their products
  4. The judgment and Treatment
  5. Permit of plant and its products
  6. Quarantine of exit, entry and transit plants
  7. Plant products refer to unprocessed plant products or processed plant products which showed pssibilty of existing disease and pests.

Credit(s): 2

Prerequisite Course(s): None