Advance in food research covers a very wide range such as chemistry, microbiology, processing, nutrition and safety. However, the current course focuses on advanced research in food processing, rather than quality and safety. Advanced innovations to be applied in food industry are particularly emphasized because these are the trends in future research and development. It covers topics such as the latest advances in non-thermal processing, alternative technologies and strategies for thermal processing, the latest developments in food refrigeration, and current topics in minimal processing of vegetables, fruits, juices and cook-chill ready meals and modified atmosphere packaging for minimally processed foods. The main topics will be high pressure processing, pulsed electric fields processing and other non-thermal processing techniques alternative thermal processing innovations in food refrigeration minimal processing.
Students are required to understand the type of emerging techniques developed for the modern food industry, should focus of the motivation or driving to develop those novel technologies, and should know the concept and practice of main techniques used gradually in the food industry.
Credit(s): 2
Prerequisite Course(s): Food Toxicology