
Date:2014-01-17 Source:国际学院

Objectives and requirement:

Physiology is the study of biological function—of how the body works, from cell to tissue, tissue to organ, organ to system, and of how the organism as a whole accomplishes particular tasks essential for life. It is one of the important basic medical sciences and the foundation of medical practice. Disease states can be viewed as physiology “gone wrong,” or pathophysiology, and for this reason an understanding of physiology is absolutely essential for the study and practice of medicine.
After complete the course, students should be able to: (a) describe the function of the major organ systems of the human body; (b) explain the physiological control of these organ systems; (c) describe how these organ systems interact to maintain homeostasis; (d) master the basic physiological terms in English.
To promote students’ ability of scientific thinking, among others, teaching will be given in various ways including seminar, tutorial, self-study, as well as lecture. The course will focus on the basic theories and knowledge of physiology as well as on the training of basic techniques. Cellular physiology, blood and cardiovascular physiology, respiratory physiology, gastrointestinal physiology, energy metabolism and temperature regulation, renal physiology and urine formation, sensory physiology, neurophysiology, endocrine and reproductive physiology will be covered in the course, with emphasis on cellular physiology, cardiovascular physiology, urine formation, neurophysiology and endocrine physiology.
