Medical Genetics

Date:2014-01-17 Source:国际学院


The principles of the rapidly growing field of genetic medicine might be more accessible to medical students, be prepared to apply them to the prevent and care of patients with a wide variety of conditions.
Master basic knowledge of genetics. Understand knowledge about clinical genetics include of mechanism and genetic regulation of genetic disease. Comprehend new developments of genetic medicine.
General introduction of genetic disease and Researching Strategy of genetic disease ;Human genes and Basic characters of gene; Human genomics; Mechanism of gene mutation and Repair of gene mutation ; Inheritance of Monogenic disorders; Polygenic disorders heredity ; Mitochondrial genetics and Mitochondrial disease;  Mutated genes in population; Chromatin and chromosome; Karyotype and nomenclature; Chromosome aberration ; Gene mutation and cellular effect; Molecular disease and Inborn errors of metabolism; Schizophrenia, Diabetes mellitus and Bronchial asthma; Chromosomal disorder and  Carrier; Immunogenetics ;Tumor genetics; Congenital malformation; Diagnosis of genetic disease; Therapy of genetic disease; Genetic counseling and eugenics.

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