Course Objectives and Requirements
To acquaint students with the management process. This includes understanding the theory behind and the practical applications of management.
To assist the student in developing a personal philosophy of management.
Major topic areas will include the evolution and scope of management, decision-making, planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Attention will be given to the importance of managing a global environment and understanding the ethical implications of managerial decisions.
The specific objectives for this course include:
1.learning the basic functions of management (planning, organizing, leading/activating, and controlling), their component activities, and their interrelationships.
2. understanding and critically evaluating the alternative schools of thought, or philosophies about the field of management.
3. gaining knowledge and understanding of major theories and concepts in the field of Management.
4. understanding and correctly using the key management terms and concepts.
5. learning to apply major Management concepts and theories to actual problems and cases.
6. gaining knowledge of some of the contemporary developments in the field.
Course Contents
Fundamentals Of Management by Stephen and David,4th edition covers the basic principles of the management function and its role in society. To study the nature of the managerial role, and of managerial responsibilities in planning and decision-making, formal and informal organizational structures, and the processes of decision-making, leadership, motivation, communication, production and quality control.
Special emphasis is given to human behavior in organized systems, with attention to interpersonal relations, group processed and philosophy of managing human resources effectively.
Credits: 3