Cooperate Compete Succeed

Date:2013-12-30 Source:国际学院

On 13th October, 2013, the Sports Department of the International School League Committee and Student Union held a Dodge ball Competition. The competition took place from 9:00 am to 12:00 am on the Basketball Court. At the end of the competition, the Sports Department was declared the champion team; this was the third time they had won. The Human Resources Department got second place. Both teams excelled in the exciting competition.

In the competition, each team consisted of eight people, with the number of boys not exceeding four. Each round of competition was about three minutes. Winners were decided in the following ways: if Team A has no players left in the infield, then Team B wins. If both teams still have players in the infield after 3 minutes, the team with the most players wins.

During the competition, most members tried their best to catch the ball or to protect their teammates from attack. Boys played an important role in the matches, such as passing the ball, attacking the opponent and protecting their team members. The main task of the girls was to ensure that they were not hurt and to dodge the ball. Many students believe that the success of their team was owing to the boys’ efforts.

The members of OSD Department were tough and controlled the competition very well. JM Department showed their entrepreneurial spirit and positive attitude, regardless of whether they won or not. It was not only about winning or losing for them, it was all about teamwork. PIT Department presented a united team, all members, no matter whether they were girls or boys, were all important in the competition. Furthermore, other departments also made the audience feel their passion and power.

Most of the teams said that what they learned from the competition was cooperation. We cannot finish the match with only one person, or a group of people who don't know how to communicate with their teammates. The best way to approach success is to unite the team members. Harmony, friendship and unity can bring our hearts together.
The leader of the Sports Department not only emphasized the importance of cooperation, but also said that the Dodge ball competition makes us more active. Don't let study and homework make up all of our University Life. Enjoy sunshine and fresh air with your friends.

Welcome to JNU, welcome to IS, welcome to the Student Union. The Future is on!
Written by Liu Simin,Tian Yibo
Photo by Xiao Xue,Feng Zishan
Revised by Raewyn
Edited by Andy