The future is on---The 13th ISCLSU Opening Ceremony

Date:2013-12-30 Source:国际学院

  At 18:00 on September 22nd, 2013, the 13th International School Committee League and Student Union opening ceremony was successfully held in R124 of the New Teaching Building. This ceremony constituted a new beginning for the International School Committee League and Student Union family.

The ceremony began with enthusiastic applause and the singing of the JNU anthem .This was followed by speeches from Professor Deng Yongzhong and Mr. He Dong Feng in which they offered their sincere congratulations and communicated their great expectations to all members of ISCLSU. They believe that everyone who participated in the meeting will study well, work well and live well.

What’s more, the President of the Student Union, Ma Hong Liang, and the Second Deputy Secretary, Chen Jiayin, gave speeches sharing their feelings with the new ISCLSU family.

After a brief intermission, the letters of appointment were issued and each minister gave a wonderful speech. Finally, members of all departments looked into the future and spoke out their thoughts.

Everyone is ready for the new start of the year. The future is on!
Written by Huang Yong,Shi Guangyu
Photo by ISLCSU
Revised by Raewyn
Edited by Andy