The summarizing meeting of ISLCSU

Date:2013-12-30 Source:国际学院

On June16th, the summarizing meeting of the International School League Committee and Student Union was successfully held in Classroom 112 in the New Teaching Building, during which everyone present had a wonderful time.

At about 1:30 p.m, the host began the meeting. First of all, everyone stood up and sang the school anthem. After that, Deng Yongzhong, the Assistant Dean of the International School, delivered a short but touching speech, which impressed everyone with its spirit of community. Then, Xie Zhitao, this term’s ISLCSU Chairman, sincerely expressed his gratitude for the commitment that every member and every department that he worked with during this year showed to him and ISLCSU. Subsequently, the First Deputy Secretary of ISLCSU, Huang Jingkuan also expressed his strong appreciation for what every department had achieved in their work.

Ministers of each department then briefly summarized their accomplishments during this semester, and particularly, showed their maximum love and care for their department members. As usual, video shows produced by every department came after the guests’ speeches. With continual laughter and cheers, everyone enjoyed each video a lot, because they all conveyed so many funny episodes that happened during the year. Additionally, the Minister of the Organizational Affairs Department, Li Jiaxiang, played the famous old song, Yesterday Once More, on a harmonica, which aroused thunderous applause.

At the end of the meeting, the newly-elected chairman, Mark Ma, promised that he would strive to manage the ISLCSU to become even better, and we are fully convinced that under the joint efforts of every member, we are bound to witness the great achievements of ISLCSU in the near future.

Written by Shi Guangyu,Zhang Dan

Photo by Xie Ziyu

Revised by Raewyn

Edited by Andy