The International School English Debate of 2012

Source:国际学院 Date:2013-12-30 Hits:52
On 1st December, the first International School English Debate was successfully held by the Department of Academic Affairs and Development in Room 316 on the third floor of the Second Social Science Building. In the end, 12FNC, MBBS1, 12CGA, MBBS2 and PHA were the winners of the debates. Teachers from the International school, Ms. Raewyn, Professor Kannan, and Mr. He Dongfeng,and the students Sam (10CM) from the International school and Zachary from the School of Journalism and Communication were among the judges in the debates.

Before the debate started, the debaters tried their best to prepare well for their debates.
The debates were divided into two time periods. At nine o’clock in the morning, the first debate was between 12FNC and 12FQS and their topic was, “This house would allow the minors to undergo sex-changing surgery without parental consent”. Zou De Jun, the best debater from 12FNC, put forward his opinion that, “Though parents are rich with life experience, minors have the right to make the decision themselves”. The second debate between 12IET and MBBS1 began at 10:20 with the topic, “In case of a zombie apocalypse, this house believes that rescuing the lives of researchers who investigate drugs for resolving zombie viruses should be prioritized”. In this round, Ananya, a student of MBBS1, was considered the best debater.

In the afternoon, Mixed IET and 12CGA contested the topic, “This house believes that women should give up sex for their baby”. The opposition side emphasized that this action was against human rights.
The question time after the debate ended was particularly interesting for the audience. Finally, the referees declared that Kong Xiangwei was the best debater.

The fourth debate between 12CST and MBBS2 kicked off at 16:20 and their topic was, “This house would allow the minors to undergo sex-changing surgery without parental consent” The government side agreed that “Human rights are a treasure and the most important thing we can own, and as a result of that we must try to maintain them through any means!” As for the question, “why should we ask for our parent’s permission?” the debaters expressed the opinion that parents are only our “inventors” with a right to protect us, but they don’t need to do everything for us. Finally, MBBS2 won the debate and Vimala Thiyagara Jan became the best debater.

At 17:40, the last debate between 12CM and Mixed PHA began, with the topic, “In case of a zombie apocalypse, this house believes that rescuing the lives of researchers who investigate drugs for resolving zombie viruses should be prioritized”. Mixed PHA won at last and Tu Lu ke was the best debater.
At the end of the debates, the Vice Dean of the International School, Professor Wang Liwei, gave prizes to the winners.

The debate is over, and all the debaters learned a lot from the experience.
Written by SHI Guangyu & SHI Yuxun
Photo by YANG Beibei
Revised by Raewyn
Edited by Nick