After months’ preparation by ISSC, the 12th International School League Committee and Student Union President and No. 1 Deputy Secretary Election has been successfully held. Witnessed by Mr. LIUMing, Deputy Party Secretary of IS, Mr. HE Dongfeng and other students, Jerry Tse from 10 FNC has become the 12th ISSU president and Vincent Huang from 11 FNC has become the 12th ISSU No.1 deputy secretary.

In president election, the registered electorate is 1060 (all students from IS could vote), and totally 662 students voted. The turnout in election is 62.45%, over 50%, thus the election is legal. Candidate number 1 Sam Li gained 203 ballots and candidate number 3 gained 626 ballots. 162 voters abstained, and 35 ballots were invalid. Jerry Tse gained more ballot and win.

In No.1 deputy secretary election, the registered electorate is 435 (only CCP/youth league member in IS could vote). Totally 336 students voted. The turnout in election is 77.24%, over 50%, thus the election is legal. The only candidate Vincent Huang gained 198 confident ballots and 117 unconfident ballots, 21 ballots were invalid. The number of confident is greater than unconfident, so Vincent Huang has become the No.1 deputy secretary.

Written by Students' Congress of IS
Edited by Nick