English Evening 3rd Rehearsal

Date:2013-12-30 Source:国际学院

    English Evening 3rd Rehearsal

English Evening is one of the biggest and unforgettable events of International School organized by the International School League Committee and Student Union of JInan University. It provides a friendly and educational atmosphere for students, especially the freshmen to make new friends and to enrich their English skills through the participation in English performances or in the planning and arrangement of the show. All of the students involved are working hard in order to have a good show opening night.

On April 15th, 2008, the cast and crew of English Evening had their third rehearsal. Although it was just a rehearsal, the students all performed as if it was the real show. Each group performed their respective acts in front of a panel of judges comprised of our student affairs secretaries, who will also be judging on opening night.

There were a total of 13 groups rehearsing, 8 were freshmen classes and 5 guest-performances. These shows include song-singings, dances, drama, musical selections, fashion shows and a live band. Similar to the previous years, the various teams will compete with each other and different awards will be presented to them for their achievement and effort. The award, “The Most Theme-Matching Team”, was specially added this year to encourage more participation from the students. The teachers and fellow students who attended the rehearsal gave precious comments to each act individually to help each team win the show!

The theme for this year’s show is “English Evening Looking through the Mirror”, with the inner meaning as “imitation”. All the performances try to imitate a story or a situation, in which they reflect the philosophies of life or issues in society. If you are planning to go to English Evening, you should expect to find a variety of well known stories replayed by our fellow classmates. One act depicts a parody on “world peace,” playing puns on the political problems occurring in the world today. Another act, is a musical drama comprising of many stories such as “Romeo and Juliet”, “Snow White”, ”Little Red Riding Hood”, and much more. You’ll be awed by the dance numbers and songs sung. This is a show you don’t want to miss! Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!



Written by Amy Wang, Grace Lo, and Jessica Zhang

Edited by Susan Liu, Amy Wang and Jessica Zhang

Photos taken by Alvin Lee and Grace Lo

Uploaded by Alvin Lee 

IS Journalist Team