During the course,get the student to be familiar with history taking,the methods of physical examination,the pathogenesis and clinical significance of common symptoms and signs. Understanding the basic theories of laboratory investigations. Knowing the diagnostic procedures in clinical practice. For the students from pharmacy major,this subject can broaden their views and lay a good foundation for the future.
Being familiar with history taking,the methods of physical examination,the pathogenesis and clinical significance of common symptoms and signs. Understanding the basic theories of laboratory investigations. Knowing the diagnostic procedures in clinical practice.
Diagnostics is a fundamental subject of clinical medicine which serves as a bridge between premedical and clinical medicine. It consists of theoretical diagnostics and laboratory diagnostics. The former trains’ ability to make a diagnosis by history taking, physical examination, writing medical record. The latter deals with common laboratory findings and associated investigations, and their clinical significance. This can give the students a good base of clinical medicine.
Credits: 2