Chromatographic Analysis

Date:2013-12-30 Source:国际学院


Chromatographic Analysis is a separation and analysis science with many branches including GC, HPLC, TLC and so on as well as one of analytical methods with rapid development and extensive application in analytical chemistry. It is widely used in drug identification, test, assay of content, component research, synthesis reaction velocity control, investigation of stability, and study of pharmacokinetics and many related methods have been recorded in pharmacopoeias of each country.
Students are required to deeply grasp the basic principles and methods and understand the new methods and techniques of chromatographic analysis on basis of related knowledge study in analytical chemistry course in order to enhance the ability to analyze and solve problems as well as provide the foundation for professional job in the future.
Students are required to grasp systematically basic concept of chromatography, impact factors of plate theory, rate theory and resolution, theory and applications of each GC methods, separation mechanism and impact factors of capacity factor of each LC methods, selection of stationary phase in GC and selection of mobile phase and optimum in HPLC, features and applications of all types of detectors, important calculation concerning chromatographic parameters and quantitative analysis. Students are also required to be familiar with classification and characteristics of all types of chromatographic methods, basic construction and instrumentation of chromatograph and fundamental procedure of TLC. The development history, tendency, new techniques and multiple techniques of chromatography as well as the establishment of chromatographic method in pharmaceutical analysis should all be comprehended in this course.
Credits: 2.5