Course Objectives:
It is preferred that students have already taken classes of Inorganic Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus. Based on the concepts and principles of physics and using the language of mathematics, this course will provide a deeper discussion of a number of concepts, most of which should already be familiar from introductory chemistry, a window on to the world of chemical reactions and allows us to understand in detail how they take place, and the basis for developing new spectroscopic techniques and their interpretation, for understanding the structures of molecules and the details of their electron distributions, and for relating the bulk properties of matter to their constituent atoms.
Course Requirements:
1. Attendance at the class is mandatory. Students with 30% absence will not be allowed to take the final exam and eventually fail this course.
2. Students must read each chapter BEFORE AND AFTER the lecture.
3. Students are encouraged to ask questions during class.
4. Homework is assigned for every chapter and due after lecture is completed.
5. Students are also required to take the Physical Chemistry Experiments in a separate course.
Course Contents:
ØChapter 0: Fundamentals
ØChapter 1: The properties of gases
ØChapter 2: The First Law
ØChapter 3: The Second Law
ØChapter 4: Physical transformations of pure substances
ØChapter 5: Simple mixtures
ØChapter 6: Chemical equilibrium
ØChapter 20: Molecules in motion
ØChapter 21: The rates of chemical reactions
ØChapter 22: Reaction dynamics
Credits: 3