Inorganic Chemistry

Date:2013-12-30 Source:国际学院

Course Objectives:

This course is designed for students majored in Pharmacy and Food Quality and Safety to strengthen and broaden their knowledge of general chemistry and inorganic chemistry, including principles of general chemistry, nomenclature, stoichiometry, atomic theory, chemical bonding, molecular structure and symmetry, descriptive chemistry of selected main group and transition elements, and an introduction to transition metal coordination compounds.

Course Requirements:

Ø Attendance at the class is mandatory. Students with 30% absence will not be allowed to take the final exam and eventually fail this course.

Ø Students must read each chapter BEFORE AND AFTER the lecture.

Ø Students are encouraged to ask questions during class.

Ø Homework is assigned for every chapter and due after lecture is completed.


Course Contents:

CHAPTER 1: Chemistry and Measurement

CHAPTER 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

CHAPTER 3: Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations 

CHAPTER 4: Chemical Reactions

CHAPTER 5: The Gaseous State

CHAPTER 6: Thermochemistry

CHAPTER 7: Quantum Theory of the Atom 

CHAPTER 8: Electron Configurations and Periodicity 

CHAPTER 9: Ionic and Covalent Bonding

CHAPTER 10: Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory

CHAPTER 11: States of Matter; Liquids and Solids 


Credits: 2